How to build an Antahkarana
Your inner Spiritual Antenna
"As your inner spiritual world unfolds through dedicated inner plane work and as you're able to hold increased levels of light for longer periods of time your Antahkarana will also unfold. The Antahkarana is an ageless open system." Dr. Mikio Sankey Ph.D., L,Ac. Antahkarana Celestial Fullness Esoteric Acupuncture Vol Vl
How to Build an Antahkarana
Your Inner Spiritual Antenna
There is much written about creating an Antahkarana, a Rainbow Bridge, or an Inner Spiritual Antenna. However, there is very little that has been written or attempts to explain the 'how to' of this process.
This free eBook addresses the 'how to'. It is a workbook. You will find it easier if you print it. Take your time, enjoy the process, and work in a sacred place to begin to connect with the 36-1 points, plus the geometric patterns, and follow the sequences as described.
Alison Clarke-Daly shares the profound beginnings of this unbounded esoteric awareness and ageless wisdoms with infinite gratitude to Dr. Mikio Sankey, Ph.D, L.Ac, the various volumes of Esoteric Acupuncture, and Djwhal Khul.
BONUS an audio guide MP3 will arrive in your inbox. You will find this very helpful as you connect with the sequences and language.